Exhumations > Velika Kladuša municipality

Exhumation data:
Exhumation of mortal remains of seven bodies (individual graves) from the following location - local Serbian orthodox cemetery “Drmeljevo”, Velika Kladuša municipality.
Date of exhumation: September 25, 2007
Number of bodies found: 7

Exhumated - identified persons data
- Ranić (Jovo) Slobodan, yob. 1965.; yid. 2008.
- Sović (Selim) Ibrahim
Mortal remains were surrendered to the Missing person institute BiH. This individual is not in the database of missing persons of the Serb Republic.
- Elezović (Elez) Mehmed
Mortal remains were surrendered to the Missing person institute BiH. This individual is not in the database of missing persons of the Serb Republic.
- Kolaković (Alaga) Meho
Mortal remains were surrendered to the Missing person institute BiH. This individual is not in the database of missing persons of the Serb Republic.
- “NN”
- “NN”
- “NN”

- year of birth
- year identified
NN - unidentified